Senior Ministries

Our Senior Ministry is an exciting field for us! What started as a small Bible Study at a local Senior Community has grown to now 3 well-attended Bible Studies, both Pastor and lay-led.

We have found great joy in the opportunity to share God’s Word and Christian fellowship in this outreach.

Coast Guard

Our church serves as the liaison for WELS members stationed at TRACEN Petaluma, the Coast Guard’s largest West Coast Training Center.

We also work with WELS Military Services to provide support to all service members stationed at TRACEN Petaluma in a variety of ways, including devotional booklets and Spiritual Development (SDK) Kits.

American Red Cross

We are excited to partner with the American Red Cross to host blood drives throughout the year at our church. Check out our Calendar of Events or Social Media to see upcoming blood drive dates.

To schedule an appointment or for more information, visit and enter sponsor code: LIVINGWORD
or call 1-800 RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).

Streamline your donation experience and save up to 15 minutes by visiting to complete your pre-donation reading and health history questions on the day of your appointment.

If you have questions regarding your eligibility to donate blood, please call 1-866-236-3276.


No matter what the circumstances, grief is a painful process. Our church has partnered with GriefShare to offer a 13-week grief and loss support group.

GriefShare is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. Over 13 weeks, you’ll find relief and comfort as you learn what to expect in the days ahead and how to navigate your personal grief process. Since there are no neat, orderly stages of grief, you’ll learn helpful ways of coping with grief, in all its unpredictability—and gain solid support each step of the way.

At a weekly GriefShare meeting, group participants will view a video featuring respected counselors, teachers, and healthcare professionals on grief-related topics. After that is a small-group discussion to allow people a time of sharing, support, and personal application of what they learned on the video.

Group participants will receive a book to take home filled with valuable exercises for navigating their personal grieving process.

Topics include how to manage grief-related emotions such as loneliness, anxiety, sadness, anger, and regret; how to cope with the changes in your life and relationships; how to recognize what’s normal in grief; and what to do if you feel stuck or hopeless.

Our GriefShare grief support groups run periodically throughout the year.  Please check our calendar or the GriefShare website to find the date of the next session.

To register: Find a Group – GriefShare and enter your zip code.
Please share this information with anyone who is grieving a loved one’s death and may benefit from this 13-week program.


Come join us for free Stay-and-Play mornings of activities! Designed for children aged 0-6 and their parents/caregivers.

Sessions arranged at intervals throughout the year – check out our calendar or email us below for the next date!

We have age-appropriate activity stations with open space for free play.  New theme each week!  Missed the last one? No problem! Join us when you can!

Sample Schedule of events:

  • Cars & Trucks
  • Water Play (outdoors, bring swim/water-wear, water shoes, & a towel)
  • Farm
  • Construction
  • Community Heroes
  • Colors

Free!  No registration required! Drop-in’s welcome!

Have questions? Email us at: